Being a parent, you worry about every little thing. Pregnancy is wonderful but your maternal instincts kick in and you become so protective of your unborn baby.
When babies arrive early or ladies are induced early due to complications you have so many emotions go through your mind. You never expect to give birth early, but the NHS and Special Care /Neo-natal units within the West Midlands are amazing. The miracles they create day in day out to help develop babies and support parents are wonderful.

My first daughter (even though she was full term) spent two weeks in special care and it felt like a life time. My hormones and emotions were all over the place and nearly losing my baby was the most horrific thing I have ever experienced. I was by her bed constantly. I didn't want to leave her but knew she was in good hands and was receiving the best possible care. I wasn’t able to stay in hospital as they needed the bed for other patients still waiting to give birth. I spent very little time at home instead I just went home for a quick sleep and most of the time I had was spent by her bed. Unfortunately I too become ill with a bad infection as I was neglecting my own after care. The midwifes advise you on how to best look after yourself but to be honest I was the last person I was thinking about. Which in hind sight I really should have listened to them as It was a day away from my baby as I really wasn't well enough to travel.

My heart does go out to parents who’s babies are born early and they require Neo natal care as I understand how scary and traumatic it can be especially when your emotions are already all over the place.
The last few weeks in the studio has brought back all the memories of my time in neo-natal as most of the babies I've had in recently have all been premature babies and have also had to spend time in special care / neo-natal.
One little boy was born 12 weeks early and only weight 2lbs 4oz. He spent 78 days in Neo natal before he came in for his photoshoot. It was a special time as I felt I got to know his parents over the two months as I received updates on his development regularly.

I also had another beautiful baby boy in recently who was born a month early and his due date is actually next week! He was so tiny especially in daddy's arms and I know his parents will treasure his images for ever.

I also had a returning client with her 2nd son. Her first baby boy, who is now 3 years old, is still to this date the smallest baby I've had in the studio. Reggie weighted only 4lbs when he came into see me and he recently brought in his new baby brother who was also prem but not as small as Reggie. I was honoured that they came back in to see me and trusted me with their most precious little babies.

90% of my clients secure their due date with me around their 20 week scan stage and I advise them if baby arrives early to let me know. I stay in touch with clients and discuss the best time to bring baby in to see me. It's important that baby is feeding well, and that mum and baby have had time to settle in at home first before coming into the studio. If a baby has spent time in special care they will need extra comfort and reassuring so may be a bit unsettled if they come in too quickly after being sent home. I want both parents and baby to be fully relaxed and enjoy their experience with me. I’ve photographed hundreds of babies over the years and its always a privilege when parents put their trust in me to look after their most precious little bundle, its not something we take lightly and we offer the best possible service to both parents and baby.