We love siblng shots and always includes siblings within every newborn session at no extra cost. Sometimes the older sibling has been in to visit us for their newborn session and are very excited to come back and show off their new baby brother or sister. Re-peat clients are a lot more relaxed as they know what to expect which also means the children are relaxed too and ready to go straight into the session. We also have a lot of first time clients come to us with their 2nd or third child which is wonderful as we know they may not have had any newborn photos of their other children and know that it is exteremly important to capture their children together and in family images. We give out a lot of information to parents to reassure them that we will make their session as stress free as possible.

Most siblings, on average, are around 2-3 years old. This age group are notoriously diffiult to photograph and to keep entertained. We are parents too, and totally understand any concerns you may have with bring two or more children into the studio whilst trying to capture images of a newborn. That's why we have a separate room to our studio where the older child can play or watch tv whilst mum or dad or a grandparent sit with them whilst we capture images of the baby. Once the older child has settled in, they are more likely to want to have photos taken with their baby brother or sister. The majority of the time we wrap baby to ensure they are safe, secure and settled whilst we pose baby with their sister/brother. Babies safety is our main priority thats why most of the time we pose siblings either lying next to baby, sitting next to baby whilst baby is posed in a prop or with older sibling leaning over baby whilst they are safely lying on our beanbag giving them a kiss or big smile. Baby is supported during all poses by my assistant Chris, and a supportive hand is always on baby at all times.

There are times when the older sibling doesn't want to cooperate and refuses to have photos taken with their baby brother or sister. Don't worry we are very use to children reacting in this way. We are exteremly patient and know that these photos are very important to the whole family and are deteremined to capture these memories for families.

As parents ourselves, our aim is to make the session as stress-free and memorable as possible. I do believe this is why we have so many returning clients year after year and we thank you all for trusting us with your precious babies.